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Gay Priests....

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Bbbananas | 13:08 Tue 02nd Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
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salla....yepp! I thought ALL priests were gay.
There's a few in Ireland have fathered families. They're not all gay.
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Exactly... I thought that was almost a pre-requisite - almost certainly an enticement.

Just listening to a debate on it on Radio 2. Ridiculous. They're talking about it being a new thing that homosexuals should be accepted into the church as priests.... Oh honestly....
salla....does it really matter...............does anybody still think that religion has any part to play in everyday life?'s a joke.
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Not to all those abused choirboys it wasn't....
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Or orphans and abandoned kids all those years ago in Ireland & the like....
-- answer removed --
But surely "gay" and "paedophile"

... are not the same thing.

Gay priests are fine.

The kiddy fiddlers belong in prison.
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You're right JJ - sorry. I have been getting the two a tad confused. The discussion started & I just got carried away with myself.

Gay does not mean Paedophile - I shall clear that up now.

//Gay priests are fine. // Would Jesus Christ agree?
Intelligent point JJ, it's a common myth that priests who are paedophiles are also automatically gay, if they prefer children to adults then they could be either hetero or *** sexual. It inplies that being gay must mean you prefer an aggressive and perhaps violent form of sex, whoch then suggests that homosexuals can only have sex and not make love. (I'm thinking too hard I'm going to have another coffee)
Not having a go salla.

Just, you know ... living where I do ...

We have a massive gay population.

But paedophile offences generally take place in other towns ... not here.

As to the Pope ...

He must have been disappointed that the paedophile Bishops are being outed, after His Holiness had gone to such lengths to keep their identities away from the Authorities.
ahhh, we can't use the term h0m0 but I assume we can use homosexual, i was abbreviating ed not being abusive!
sqad ...

Are we talking about the Jesus Christ who lived 2,000 years ago?

Or the "son of God" Jesus Christ who was created a few hundred years later when the Emperor Constantine rewrote the prevalent religious doctrines?
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No - I knew you wren't having a go JJ - just pointing out my massive error !!! I have absolutely nothing against gays. I don't really have anything against priests. Paedophiles however....... most certainly. And paedophile priests/men of the cloth, well that's just shameful and almost incomprehensible.
JJ....either.....would either have approved of h.omo.sexuality amongst the clergy?
Would the Romans have approved of "unconventional" sexual behaviour?

Naaah ... very straight-laced the Romans !

And if JC was not a figment of Constantine's imagination ...

... would he have been judgmental of others?

Remember that the philosophers of the day (particularly the Greeks) viewed the love of two men as more sophisticated and educated than the carnal ruttings of a man and a woman.
Thanks JJ.

Fine...Gay priests are fine..............does the Pope know that?
Who ... His Holiness Mad Ratz ?

Who knows what he knows or thinks.

He's mad and dangerous.

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Gay Priests....

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