Why can't we have a prime minister like this? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Why can't we have a prime minister like this?

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Teleph0ne | 20:08 Tue 02nd Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
If only mr brown had the balls!
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Oh that is beautiful...it sounds just like almost every man and woman in my local only more eloquent.. but just as heartfelt
Why can't we have a Prime Minister...... ??
Rather than the unelected, unpopular fool we suffer at the moment.
unquestionably disliked by many of his party and most of the un-ified electorate.....roll on the election and I hope DC takes on board some of the courageous rhetoric of the Australian PM.
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Unfortunately the only party to make a statement like that here is the BNP, It's scary how much support they are getting just for this reason!
oh for the love of Mike, not this again. Do you believe everything you read on your computer?

i like that
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I never said it was true, just wishfull thinking!!

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Why can't we have a prime minister like this?

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