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China Doll | 12:15 Wed 03rd Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
What did you use the sweet 'tatties for then? And was it good?


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You should see what they snuck in to your homous.
is the saveloy that thing that explodes in your mouth, i'm sue you were on about it a while ago.... was it you?

or maybe i'm thinking of something else entirely
Question Author
I was probably thinking about something else entirely as it goes but yeah, it was me talking about savloys...
that really doesn't sound good.......

(says the woman who loves fish head curry....)
Question Author
Worrying I'd probably be quite up for trying the fishead thing, I like fish. I'd have to make sure I couldn't see the eyes though i think.
''I'd probably be quite up for trying the fishead thing''

Lol... oh please let me be there if you do decide to try it... it'll be funny...
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Notice me Boo! It was only you I wanted to speak to, not this bunch of rif raff... ;0)
Rif Raf........

snags and vibes maybe but i'm at least lying on the park bench dribbling rather than actually in the guitter.......
Just seen this!

I made wedgies out them eventually :-)

They were ok, but don't think i'll be rushing out to buy them again.
Question Author
It's true Fluffs, you're clearly a cut above them. Sorry about that.

Boobies - We're thinking of making it this weekend too as I liked the sound of it so much. I'll probably effing hate it knowing me lol.
They'll probably be fine if cooked properly CD, I was running a bit out of time and didn't leave 'em in oven for long enough, so as a result they were a bit soggy. Probably lovely when crispy.

(Wed 12:29 03/Feb/10)

is the saveloy that thing that explodes in your mouth

Yep....thats the one, fluffy :0)
Question Author
I'm not cooking them.... Or at least I'm more in the 'assisting' role.... I'll do the sausages and let Master Chef do his thing ;0)

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