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bigbrain_biggerego99 | 16:38 Tue 02nd Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Hi, you may know me, you may not. I joined AB in early December 09. I have been going on AB everyday (Pretty much) since. And yet, I see regulars like
Vibrasphere, Chuck Fikens, No Mercy, Sara 3, Sallabanas etc.
How do you do it (It being where you answer almost every queston)?

But my point is--
You are all considered regulars and I want to know what to do to become a regular (At very least, to get known).

Thanks to anyone's replies in advance



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The only thing missing on my view is the last character of the longer lines of text.. and the REPORT THI is cut off...
Sadly BBBEEE its your username that looks like its the problemo!!!
Why not change to bigbrain_ickleego instead!!!
Theres also a funny little character that appears before the date on everyones post...
Craft i'm Scottish but get less than nosha :(

i have a widescreen lcd monitor if i make the writing smaller i wont see it lol
The site of AnswerBank can be roughly divided into 2 categories, 'Chatterbank' and 'everything else'.

There are folks who stick primarily to CB foraying out into the hinterland of AB when a post pops up into the 'Latest Posts' that they feel may benefit from their knowledge.

Then there are the folks who dwell in Answerbank, ever alert and on the lookout for a poster in distress or discomfort who needs their input..........and needs it NOW !
These posters visit CB infrequently, usually to admonish the inmates for their levity.......or to join in a particularly juvenile depends which face they are wearing.

Of course, this is just a generalisation; it should be read, digested and then roundly ignored.
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What happened to my answer!?
It said much different to that, and I never posted the whole "It's a pain" thing...?
I thnk you may find that it's not your post, but someone quoting you?
Jackthehat, I reckon you're wearing your smart hat today. :-)
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I am rather stupid...
Sorry, I never read the author
(I probably couldn't be bothered to face the horrid name--that I though might have been mine)
Are you Jedward ? ;0)
lol @ sachs
Is this answer a tad harsh ??
Only a numpty would have a usename
with 18 characters !!!
Jedward - are they related, they are so awfully alike in looks and mannerisms.
First you become a 'Regular', then you become known as ' Oh God they've replied to this one too', then several years later you become part of the furniture.
you just have to post regularly in the same manner, so people get used to your style, over time you become a regular.
I think I'm stuck at the second stage.....
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Quite the contrary, Bananas, I find you to be rather interesting.
Someone stuck on the second stage would either be Chuck Fickens(Answers Techincal) or Squad(I think answers medical). But event then, I only say "God" out of amazement, dedication etc.
why thank you very much bbbbe99, most kind.
I shall give you a 'x' - just the one 'x' mind - I don't know you well enough for more!!
Question Author
Thanks in return, Bananas

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