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Bbbananas | 09:45 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
It's been 9 days now since I was 'flashed' by one of those sneaky vile speed trap w@nking ANPR vans doing 69 in a 60. No fine has dropped through the letter box as yet. Someone said they have 28 days to do it... so 19 days to go and if no fine - then I can spend that £60 reluctantly put by 'in case' on books to read during my convalenscence. Or chocolate. Or some glam new p.j.'s as it's a mixed sex ward and one likes to look one's best whenever possible in a roomful of strange men.

Do you think I've got away with it?


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fined for doing a 69!
whatever next
if it was one like this hold on to your money. they film you 3 times

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It wasn't yellow - it was one of those white 'Lincolnshire road safety partnership' vans. But with the back window blacked out & something shiny poking out - such as a camera. What do you mean - film me 3 times?
i thought it was 14 days?

defo glam new pj's
the new vans film you as you approach, go past from the side and then the rear of your vechicle
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mcluff - good advice. I agree. What do you think: silk or winceyette?

DrF: Sh1te. I was overtaking a stupid person on a bicylcle at the time, so certainly didn't slow down by much once I noticed the van :-(

I want PJs, I want PJs....
they hide them in different vans
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A horse box? That is so low. That's just twattage.
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It's one my daughter invented. I'm so proud..... ;-)
69 and a shiny poke eh?!
got to go with silk!

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