It's been 9 days now since I was 'flashed' by one of those sneaky vile speed trap w@nking ANPR vans doing 69 in a 60. No fine has dropped through the letter box as yet. Someone said they have 28 days to do it... so 19 days to go and if no fine - then I can spend that £60 reluctantly put by 'in case' on books to read during my convalenscence. Or chocolate. Or some glam new p.j.'s as it's a mixed sex ward and one likes to look one's best whenever possible in a roomful of strange men.
It wasn't yellow - it was one of those white 'Lincolnshire road safety partnership' vans. But with the back window blacked out & something shiny poking out - such as a camera. What do you mean - film me 3 times?