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mrs.chappie | 22:39 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Just wondering if your hubby enjoyed the sweet potatoes. [:o)


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Haha no he didn't, I wasn't overly impressed either. Though that might have more to do with the fact I didn't leave them in the oven for long enough and they were a bit on the soggy side.

I made wedges with them by the way.

Won't be rushing to buy anymore.

How's you?
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I'm good thanks lass. Hope you are too. BTW, congrats on your forthcoming "nappy" event! (Well, not you personally .... but I'm sure you'll be a great "hands-on" gran. [:o)

I accidentally bought some sweet potatoes once. Yukk! All down to one's own personal taste of course, but I hated 'em.
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Like I said Mrs C they were 'whoopsied' at work, so i thought id give then a whirl. Wont be doing it again- well, not at full price anyway ;-)

Ta for the congrats- i can't wait, roll on 18th June!

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