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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:54 Sun 07th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Well, Ireland won yeterday. It was a lacklustre match and Ireland didn't seem to be interested! They won 29 -11, but it should have been 50 - 0. They will have to buck their ideas up if they want to beat France next week.We are out to lunch today and looking forward to it.
Have a good day everyone.


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beejay, you're so RUDE!

I missed yesterday's rubbish, so will make some coffee til you've got it out of your systems ;o)
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Black, no sugar please gorgeous. :-)
gosh , i say, that was an outburst - so it was
anyhow- i have decided not to leave the site
so wbm-will the jocks give the frogs a scare today ?
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It would be nice to see beejay, but I doubt it. I hope I'm wrong!
morning wmb / everyone. just got up, feel rough (my own fault) and my house is freezing and int the dark. fuse needs attention - will get to it when i am more compus mentis and the ruddy shops are open. only on a sunday, eh...x
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Morning stonekicker. that's the way of it, so it is!
and what a way to go, eh? can only use computer off battery, so will sign off...laters! x
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See you anon stone. Good luck!
Morning all. Cloudy and dull here in Peterborough. Still at least its not too cold. Going to do a spot of gardening and then off out for my grandad's 85th birthday party.
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Morning Barmaid. by the time you've got the garden sorted you will be ready for a knees-up, however sedate it may be. Enjoy!
Thanks WBM! Although it will NOT be sedate. The silly old fool still gets up at 5am and goes for a jog!
morning sara , stonekicker and Barmaid
G'day Waterboatman, I can't fault anything you said about the boys yesterday,...but...(you knew that was coming) I, (for one) will be a very happy bunny if we get the same RESULT against the French next. week .Happy boating.x

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Good morning early birds!

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