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is it a step too far, they killed a rat now ITV have been fined!

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Bobbisox | 13:23 Mon 08th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
ITV have been fined by the Australian NSPCA for allowing a rat to be killed in the jungle, apparently when they played to tape back, it was heard screaming,,,euyukkk too much information there
Do you think they were right to sue ?
Bobbi ♥


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Who does the cleaning when this happens ?????
dont mention the word cleaning, theres only one person who does it in my house along with the washing, ironing, shopping, cooking and holding down a full time job.....what do men do all day....
I shouldnt give out as mine does his share and most of the cooking
So how come they get away with eating live worms and caterpillars on the show but are not allowed to eat rats? It was killed for food, not for a laugh,
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I remember in my first marriage throwing a slice of buttered toast at him, it stuck to the kitchen wall, the shape of it was there for ages till we
well yesterday I was so angry.......I had to do my housework and leave some of the ironing, and then get accused of leaving his shirts unironed on purpose..........
If anyone HAS to answer for it - it should be the program makers not the contestants !
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How did they kill the rat.

As a chef and burglar, Gino is presumably quite good with tools.

It's not as though they swung it by the tail and bopped it's head on a tree.

(or ... is that what they did?)
craft - those venetian blinds are a sod to clean - thanks for helping me yesterday on Ancestry co. am still going to try and track down Aunt's step sister. xx
And these people don't eat lamb because they are fluffy?

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is it a step too far, they killed a rat now ITV have been fined!

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