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Noraq | 10:57 Tue 09th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
...after several years of (not inconsiderable) contiributions to the family coffers, am I expected to consult Mr. Spratt when I spend money...who made him the 'keeper of the purse', and do I now have the same right to question his spending...Golf trips abroad...week-ends away....playing golf?.....I woulod appreciate aome views.


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You have to justify what you spend? and on what?
10:58 Tue 09th Feb 2010
You have to justify what you spend? and on what?
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His 'suggestion' is that I am given an allowance for personal spending.( Only me, mind you) I blame myself, I've allowed this attitude of his to grow over the years, lesson ladies, fighting your corner never ceases.... and now for a large Latte and something sweet ande sticky.
in ours it is probably the other way round, but only to the extent that my OH is not interested in money and leaves me to organise it. If he want's to buy anything big or out of the ordinary he would ask me if we have money in the account. I think that we are both generally trustworthy in terms of cash so no big deal for us. He does pay himself £20 a month into an account for buying CD's etc but most of the time that builds up unspent and he uses it for birthday and christmas presents.

Maybe you should suggest that you both have an allowance with no questions asked on what you buy with it and everything over that should be discussed? (Not counting the supermarket shop etc) That way you can shove stuff in with the shopping ;o)
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Indeed Annie, I've been doing thaf for years (all wives do that, don,t they?) I think his 'Chairman of the Board' attitude is what has rattled my cage, that ,and the long suffering martyr face!!!!
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It would appear that mostly women have a view on this question....interesting.
I have always had control of all our money - paid the bills, etc. No problems whatsoever. Mr LL has no interest in money whatsoever and only uses his cash card to draw out what he needs to spend. He has never questioned me on my spending. It works OK for us. I appreciate all couples are different.

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