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Just had a patient complaining of floating stools...

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Bbbananas | 16:26 Tue 09th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
.. My god, she must have one very big toilet.


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Oh !! I thought it was a term of endearment.... I thought she called her hubby sugar for real.

Doh Lottie - I missed that one....!!!
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Sesame seeds.Day after a burger bun with these on.Enough to put you off?
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I remember freaking out when my son was a few months old and ringing my health visitor in an absolute panic. I was changing his nappy & thought he had thread worms. I was blaming the dog... saying we had to get rid of her...(the dog).

The HV came, inspected said stools - said "Have you put him on solids yet?". He was solely breast fed but I had indeed tried him on half a mashed up banana.

Doh ! The 'worms' were in fact the banana 'fibres'.
The embarrassment.

(I've always had a thing about bananas see.....!)
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I tell that 'worm' story every time he brings a new girlfriend home.

He loves me really :-)
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Just had a patient complaining of floating stools...

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