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Do something silly thread ...

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Sachs | 13:57 Wed 10th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
In work this morning a thought struck me!!!
I'm going to buy loads of those little yellow Easter chicks and plant them secretly on everyones desk at work .......... Made me laugh thinking that one up!


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Will they come up in the spring..............?!?
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For Easter! ................... not yet
You've given me an idea now - I'll put a couple in each toilet.... mass drownings of little easter chicks - that's bound to upset the troops!

Does that make me a sick person?
Cheep cheep
Well, if you plant them now, they will be ready about Easter-time..............

I'll get me coat...........:o(
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They spring up everywhere jack!
I did this at my last place of work. The best one was leaving two for the stores lads. They use to electrically wind this serving hatch up and when it went back there was two little yellow chicks on their counter, laughed my head off round the corner!
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lol, I like sick. I just like seeing peoples faces!

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