My hubby was ill just after christmas,terrible cough and breathing probs,doc said to try and quite, -hubby been smoking since he was a squaddie back in 1955- so he made a new year resolution that he would try, he did quite well whilst he was ill but as soon as he was feeling better -just like last year- he started with maybe two a day and it gradually increased,he vowed not to buy anymore -its mymoney that we use to purchase these things,his goes on bills etc., - anyway it go to a stage where he was on about 10 a day,and true to his word he did not buy baccy,that is until when last week our son who is also a smoker run out of butss (ugh)which my hubby was using,and he brought baccy,of course l gave himn a little nag,l say just try and cut down,he should realise it is not good as his nbreathing has started getting rough again,but he is so awkward and stubbourn,he has a puffer test next week and l am hoping hope upon hopes (not holding my breath though lol)that he will learn from that, but to all those of you who have been sucessful WELL DONE, l gave up smoking back in 1964,been smoking for only a couple of years and not many in a day and l was smoking -capstan full strength- but had broncitus and gave it up in one fell swoop, no bother.