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I have to get this out of my system...

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benny3008 | 17:39 Sat 13th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Sorry but i have to share this with you guys, i am soooo bl00dy excited about Wednesday, im going to Gloucester to pick up Russell, my new pup, Arghhhh, i cant wait any longer!!!! :-) What plans u got for next week?


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Who the hell is Dr. Foster, hes called Russell.
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lol. Never heard that one, I hope it doesn't rain then!
Why not call him Jack?
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Its funny you should say that, Jack is what he was gonna be called originally. lol 'twas a coincidence that in the end i decided to call him Russell, i only realised that the other day.
What breed of dog is he?
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Jack Russell. :-)
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I can hardly contain myself...................
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Pure coincidence! :-)
I wanted to call my last dog she was a chihuahua/yorkie cross this did not go down well.............
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you rotten sod nokno....she was quite cute in a weird sort of way....
Next week is forecast to be rainy here for the first couple of days. However, it is a national fiesta here on Tuesday (lord knows what it's all about this time) and I just so happen to have a celebration to attend that day.

Aside from that.... no plans. Maybe go out with some friends next Saturday night if the weather improves.
Hey NoM, we just got back from the Costa del Sol, it was chucking it down when we left this morning so I know what you mean (mind you it's been snowing here so don't now which is worse!). It's Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) here next week so that's what it's all about, Malaga carnival etc in full swing I believe, but we've missed it! My plans for next week - back to work, groogh.....
Work / Work / Work / Lots of work / F.hall / F.Hall / Work.

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I have to get this out of my system...

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