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Paella Again !

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NoMercy | 13:19 Sun 14th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
What's on your menu and list of things to do today?


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looking round the house.....I'll have to make Ginger a list.
can you not wear headphones.....or do they interfere with your washing up and hoovering?
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No.1 son due with g'kids - get my 'earse in gear b4 am bullied into care.....oh, woe is me!
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Headphones and marigolds?

No ! Less is more, Craft ;-)
brief trip to aldi for artists easel and materials but got the day wrong - doh! thursday not sunday. must have been that valentines eve fizz last night.... but did buy a bottle of cream of lemoncello for a fiver.
pitta breads with falafal and salad for lunch, gave up on the traditional sunday roast years ago. will be watching the rugby later while i try not to fall asleep.
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Paella Again !

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