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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:54 Mon 15th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Monday morning and it's all quiet. No rain, snow, frost or wind. I wonder what is in store for us later!

Have a happy day everyone.


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I'm good thanks, WBM.

I've not sat up for much of the Games yet.

I was out Friday and Sauurday nights, and last night I was too pooped to stay up.

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Absolutely correct JJgull! There is no point in just booting it up the pitch, unless you are trying to put it into touch.
Woo Hoooo !

So, next match I watch in the pub, I will make "wise" and "off the cuff" comments about carelessly giving away possession by kicking.

Jogger "just call me Bill McLaren" Jayne.

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That's the ticket JJgull. You will astound them with your depth of knowledge!
morning all, i'm not awake yet so if i nod off at my desk can someone shout, thanks
Fluffy....I thought it was Sunday this morning and was wondering round the house looking for Ginger. He's never up before me on a weekend. But it's Monday and he's at work.
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Morning fluffy. WAKE UP!!!

You too ummmm! ☺
i went out for a quiet drink with mate last night, got home around half 1 went to bed about 3, i'm dying.....
Crikey I'm late today! Last morning I'll be on here for a few days as I'm off to Susex to parent sit. Think Gray is coming with me so I shan't be totally alone amongst the mad folk that appear to be my parents... wish me well for a clear M25.. the largest car park in the world... ;-)
Morning wbm,how are you today.Not too impressed with the rugby,by the looks of it!
Morning everyone.
Sharp frost here today.
Have great day all,whatever you may be doing. dg
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Morning poppet and dg.
I wish you all the luck in the world poppet. I think you are going to need it!

I'm fine thanks dg. You're right about the rugby, a shambles all weekend. I hope thet get it sorted out before next weekend!

Not a lot to do today, so I'm going to be a lazy git!
Morning all , it's freezing here , and our boiler has conked out ..the engineer
should be here at lunchtime !! So fingers xed we will have some heat later .Have a good day.

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Good morning early birds!

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