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Sympathy please, loads of it

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dothawkes31 | 22:01 Mon 15th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I'm full of a cold, really bad one and my throat is so sore, this is really serious and I won't just put up with insincere mutterings i need some serious get well soon messages! I really stuggled to eat the sticky toffee pudding and custard just then, i managed it but it was an effort.


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Aw, sticky toffee pudding, is there any left, did you not feel like finishing it all up? Get well soon, but leave some for me!
Dot - you poor thing, its so awful if you struggle with your sticky toffee pudding and custard. My sympathy is most sincere!!!
Oh, no, Dot ... poor you !


... * sniffle *
i find a good steam inhilation works for me. have one before you go to bed and you should breathe better.hope you feel better soon.
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excellent effort so far lol I'm on the strong stuff, max strength Lemsip, I'm drinking it straight.
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Sandersons Throat Specific Linctus from Boots is fabulous for the sore throat, dot - tastes like battery acid but does the trick for me every time (and I'll swap some with you for the left-over pud)
Awww - hope you are feeling better soon, Dot!!
Ah, sorry to hear that Dotty! Not nice having a nasty cold & sore throat. My daughter's currently tucked up in bed with the same today, you poor things.

Mmmm, I used to like syrup sponge pudding with Elmlea when I was feeling under the weather, but have to watch my cholesterol these days, even though I look like a bacon bone!

Keep warm & get well soon. -xx-
must have caught it off those little tykes on work experience at Claires Accessories...
♥♥♥ Get well soon Dot ♥♥♥
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lol well you're all cheering me up! i was in work for 7.30 this morning and worked right through til 8pm and didn;t stop long enough to let it take hold but I';m giving in now, got a day off tomorrow and so the best place to be is under the duvet. Does anyone else have a nedicine cupboard that looks like a Boots pharmacy???
Hope you feel much better tomorrow Dot. Sleep well.
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Avoid milk and other dairy products, drink hot sugary ginger tea (made with fresh ginger root) and go mental with the vitamin C and garlic.
My late dad's remedy for the flu - black coffee with a shot of brandy or whiskey added. Drink this with a couple paracetamol and a good night's rest. Good as new next day!

Feel better soon Dotty. x
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you're all lovely people. In the night I woke up totally disorientated, could not remember what day it was! But slept in til 12 and though I feel like I;ve been hit by a bus and still croaking and full of a cold, I don't have to go anywhere and so I'm working my way through a pack o crumpets. Thanks guys!
If you want sympathy it's somewhere in the dictionary between sh1t and syphalis.

Hope this helps?

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Sympathy please, loads of it

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