Dog pee in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Dog pee

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shivvy | 18:53 Tue 26th Jul 2005 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
Anyone got any ideas on how to stop female dog pee from turning the grass brown?
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A few drops of green food colouring in the water bowl.
Not a lot you can do really.Wash down well with water after pooch has peed!.Try to train her to just go in a certain place which is up a corner somewhere in the garden away from the lawn.Some people say put a couple of teaspoons of tomato sauce on the food.This is supposed to dilute the urine.I couldn't give this to my hound though it would go straight through him!
here is a link but it just says what I have said above.

When our dog (bitch) was on diuretics for a heart condition, the lawn flourished and came up more green and lush than ever before (but patchy).  That shows that dog urine is not bad for the lawn as long as it is dilute.  Short of putting your bitch on diruretics, you'll just have to stand by with a watering can to do the dilution yourself each time she goes.  Also make sure there is not excessive salt in her diet - that is not good for plants (or your dog).

My lawn was in a very bad way with my border collie pup, when she was 6 months old we decided to have her spayed, no more burn marks she is 5 now and are lawn is looking great, My daughter had the same problem with her older dog and for medical reasons had her spayed she also has a great lawn now

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Thanks everyone.

She has been spayed postiepam so I can't do anymore on that front!

I found a site that said to sprinkle brown sugar on the lawn and then water it in (apparently the sugar attracts worms who aerate the soil and voila the grass grows again)  he swears that he has a lovely lush lawn so I'm off down to tesco!

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