I am doing a photography project for my A Levels called 'Passion and Obsession' and I am struggling for ideas, so I thought it would be a good starting point to find some different peoples obsessions.
So, what is your passion or obsession?
Thanks in advance.
Horse Racing, Cheltenham is just under a month away and I`m already getting excited about it, been printing loads of form and stats to read over the next few weeks
My obsession is TIME
Not enough of it - too much on my hands - Its going too fast - Its dragging - It waits for no-one - Its ticking away - Where has it gone to - It won't stand still ----- any more time outs?
Thanks for the answers people, this should start me off nicely, I didn't just want to go down the route that I thought everyone would go down; drugs and alcohol but I see a very broad mix here.