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time for me to pop off tea calls

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zzxxee | 18:18 Thu 18th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
im so hungry may pop in later bye guys x


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See ya sezzxxxxxxxeeeeeeeeeee xx
pop tart!
Whats on the menu, zzxxee?
Question Author
bye yogi i got you now look at my post from a few days ago fao yogi !!!!!
pop tart never been called that before steg lol bye guys x
You lost my e-mail addy, you little minx...........

Okey dokey......i'll send you a quickie ( not normally a word in the bears vocabulary) and you can store it....AGAIN......that good for you, honey? xx

Have a lovely tea :0)
Question Author
that s fine cheers x
Quickie despatched, zzxxee....and it was really great for me, gorgeous ....
Hope you too ...if i smoked, i'd be havin' one now........LOL xx

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time for me to pop off tea calls

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