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Attention Runners and Cyclists!

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madmaggot | 16:38 Fri 19th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Recently a friend of mine had a nasty experience when a cyclist silently appeared from behind (on a shared pedestrian/cycle path). My friend had her dogs on a lead but because the cycle startled the dogs they barked at it; the cyclist veered to avoid the dogs and came off her bike. She was not seriously injured but the resulting slanging match upset all parties concerned.
I have had a similar experience with a runner!
This sort of situation can easily be avoided if the person advancing silently at speed could just ring their bell, cough or just shout 'coming through'! The dog handler can then take appropriate action, call the dog to them if it's loose or ensure that it is aware of the approaching 'danger' or whatever.
With a bit of thought and consideration everyone can continue on their way safely and without incident.


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Very true....

I was knocked off my bike once. Very scary experience. I was cycling on the road and a van driver (parked) opened his door and hit me. I went flying onto the other side of the road and luckily the car coming that way managed to brake.
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Good and bad on both sides. I don't cycle but get really irate at drivers who don't seem to know that cycle lanes are for cycles, and drivers who overtake cycles giving them inches to spare. Courtesy from all of us on the roads and cyclespaths would be a good idea.

I know where you are coming from though madmaggot.
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I think there should be room for all interest groups with just a little ................. erm, what's that old fashioned, little used word? Oh yes, consideration!
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I try to make a point of not rising to emotive provocation unless I'm having a really bad day and want a good debate doc.
On another note, I saw a punch up between 2 families at the weekend because a family with 7 bull dogs let their dogs attack a spaniel! Then believe it or not the bulldogs family started beating up and hitting the spaniels owners because they had kicked the bull dogs when trying to get to their dog! The language ws impressive! And all in front of a kid of about 2/3 who was with them!

Hmm! Although thinking about it, not sure what that has to do with your post, sorry!

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