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graniteman | 13:26 Sat 20th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Hi all, first time on chatterbank! Whats it all about?
Me? 65 year old fella, pretty good looking and very modest!


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There used to be but the site editorial staff were able to filter them out.
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Then you are either 1) really new and have unfortuinately chosen a username that is generally considered the signature of a perma banned ex aber or 2)you are that perma banned ex aber and you are being an idiot, we will soon know as if you are the banned one you will be zapped momentarily.
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yes i am
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oh option 3) you are a regular user pretending to be a newbie using the banned signature id
How am I being aggressive? I am being totally factual and straight forward. You commented to salla that you did not know what she meant in her reply, i am clarifying it for you.
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sorry it was kate not salla
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lol now come on, it didn't take a genius to spot the name but there is nothing yet obvious about who it is or who it isn't, if this newbie has been unfortunate enough to choose a name that is previously banned it's just bad luck and coincidence,
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sounds like wind-up, not just unfortunate and coincidence.
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