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getting rid of flu

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chirpychirpy | 06:25 Sun 21st Feb 2010 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
A strapping middle-aged male friend has flu, of the regular kind. He's taken the maximum amount of Lemsips - 4 - over each othe last 2 days. How many more days can he go on doing this, and can you recommend any alternatives to getting rid of his flu?


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He has another 5 days to go yet.........tell him.

Stay in the warm, plenty to drink, paracetamol or ibuprofen and good luck
and overdose on Vit C - it'll last as long as he's pampered ;)
if its real flu not manflu then it can drag on for longer than a fortnight. Real flu is awful. I have had it twice in my life...the thing about can you get out of bed to pick up a 20 pound note is true. It sounds like you mate has a common or garden cold. If he rests and drinks plenty of fluids it will be gone In a fortnight, if he takes medication for it, then it will only take 14 days to clear up. Tell him from me NOT to go around spreading it.
you can only take two 500mg paracetamol four times a day, this is the maximum dose. Lemsips and other cold & flu remedies contain paracetamol so its important that you do not exceed the stated dose. An overdose of paracetamol is very dangerous. You cant really overdose on vitamin c, as your body will use the required amount then the surplus will be eliminated naturally via urination. Keep warm, drink plenty fluids and paracetamol for aches & pains. You can also take ibuprofen as this is an anti-inflammatory and will help. You can take them with paracetamol, but prob best to alternate the dose
oh I forgot to mention, be careful when taking ibuprofen based remedies if patient is asthmatic, they may irritate the condition
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Tell him to stick his head over a bowl of hot water (with Olbas oil or Friar's Balsam i it if poss) and he should inhale several times. Particularly good first and last thing as it really helps to clear the gunge. Old method but always works. Plus, I agree 100% with Woofgang there is a massive difference between flu and cold/cough etc. With real flu you cannot do a thing except lurch between bed and bathroom, and even that will just about finsh you off.
if you do O'd on Vit C you will get the runs BIG time..Paracetamol and ibuprofen, don't fix the virus, they just make it less uncomfortable
Lots of fluids and just wait until it passes - nothing much else you can do for it.
Don't take ibruprofen it ruins your stomach, paracetamol,plenty of hot drinks, bed and hot water bottle, and a bit of tlc, it will take a few days more and he'll probably feel as weak as a baby, so he'll need cheering up.
As a female friend of mine says, if a woman gets flu, send for the doctor, if a man gets flu send for RADA!
Ibuprofen does not ruin your stomach.

It can cause irritation if taken on an empty stomach, so either eat something, or wash it down with milk.

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