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Cheeky Bar Stud.

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NoMercy | 16:29 Mon 22nd Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I made a soup from various vegetables - all nice and healthy. So I served it up and Tony took one taste before pulling a funny face.

Tony: What soup is this?
Me: It's an anti-ageing soup.
Tony: Well here you are, you'd better have mine as well.....


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Got woken up by missus the other morning. I'd left the clock radio on & was snoring...I told her I was multi-tasking...Not bad for a man who's half asleep
eugh i got attacked by san miguel yeserday, he gave me a right bashing i'm off the booze
pmt AND a hangover. Ouch.........
tell me about it
-- answer removed --
pmt vibes, just point 2

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