my mother made a big-needle jumper in beautiful angora wool, but then she had a woolly moment and put it in the washing machine - it's about six inches long now, my sister's still got it! Pre-70s, but does anyone remember knitted swimsuits (not a good look!)?
I do remember knitted swimsuits!! I did not have one, I hasten to add, but remember seeing little girls coming out of the sea wearing them! all droopy and heavy!! lol.......................long long, time ago...............showing my age here now!.......
oh yes I remember the ruched nylon ones, if you got hold of one end of the ruching you could pull out that whole row of stitching and end up with a baggy balloon costume!
welsh I had one of each....equally hideous but the ruched one was slightly easier to swim in.....this is so sad as I can remember the wool one was navy blue and the ruched one was turquoise.......