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BBBE99 | 17:17 Mon 22nd Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I have to get off now as I have been on a computer too long and need to do something practical.
I just thought I'd say this because some people could be like,
" I answered BBBE99's queston and they haven't got back to me! Roar..."

And I wanted to start a random thread...


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me too should get off and get back to my reading.
mmm i keep missing the important bits in monk
I'm the same, BBBE99. I keep my gun hand hovering over the mouse, just in case, yes, just-in-case something pops up, and I really want to shut the computer down, but I'll do it in just a minute. Yes, I know the tea's ready, but I just want to see if BBBE99 says anything.
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Well that's good to know...

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