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dear docspock, you look so kind in your pics, but omg, you can be a villain!

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Bobbisox | 17:36 Tue 23rd Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
You look a kindly middle aged 'gent' in your photos he-he and calling someone's daughter a tart just ain't nice at all, I refer to Cheryl Cole in my thread, ok so you can't stand her, a lot of people can't, aww but dinna call her a tart eh?
Bobbi ♥


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Sqad- i cant believe someone can hold those kind of views in this day and age. Your view of women and the comments above are vile and you should be ashamed of yourself.

One again i'm reminded of why i dislike you so much.
BOO....I was speaking generally.
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infact I would go as far to say with your graphic details as to what you percieve these girls to be,
you are starting to remind me of Benny Hill in a diert mac!
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still no answer about "if you had a daughter?"
Joy........I answered that.

If she was a hooker and was called a hooker then that would be acceptable to me.

If you remember, I have no misconceptions about my children.
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no, just a swinging brick for a heart sqad, but who likes to flirt no matter the age eh?
one rule for you?
So why call Cheryl a hooker? She's not. She might have looser morals than you'd like (unless you were actually sniffing round her skirts obviously) but she's a young woman who has made something of herself and doesn't deserve to be spoken about like that unless you know for a fact she's offering sexual favours for cash. Infact no one does.
BOO...absolutely correct.
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BOO I have at last given up on sqad, and have a good memory too, I hope any future daughter in laws are of the 'non prostitute variety'
Blimey...BOO hates me and Joy has given up on me..........I am lost.
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bye sqad
Never said i hated you, said i disliked you, or more to the point, i dislike the persona you have on here,l quite frankly it's vile and doesn't belong in this day and age.
She is a pretty rubbish singer ... and he is an immensely talented sportsman.

On the other hand ...

She is a big hearted girl* ... and he is a seedy liitle rat.

* I accept that she was not behaving like a "big hearted girl" when she beat seven shades of crap out of that poor bathroom attendant.
///,l quite frankly it's vile and doesn't belong in this day and age.///

Now this is interesting....we have on CB a woman who has taken on herself to decide who does and who doesn't belong in this"day and age"..

The trolls have been banished and now,anyone who BOO feels doesn't belong in this "day and age.".

I don't understand why she's being tarred and feathered by all and sundry.
If it wasn't for those footballing (and other) airheads with their brains between their legs these girls would interest nobody and the tabloids would go bankrupt. It makes you think, if these numpties have to pay for it!

rant over ;-(
I wonder if she will change her name back to Tweedy ?
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Den I would like to think so, she should now disassociate herself from this idiot altogether

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dear docspock, you look so kind in your pics, but omg, you can be a villain!

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