Well for a start, a lot of polls are anonymous - why wouldn't you say what you feel?
Why do you equate a rally of 100 Muslims to stating that a majority want Sharia Law?
By that token, all BNP members are criminals:
All football fans are thugs:
And all old people are senile.
Not nice stereotyping is it?
I repeat the question - how many Muslims do you know?
Is all your knowledge of Muslims taken from the media?
If all your knowledge of British culture was taken from the newspapers, would you think that all British people were criminals or had big breasts?
Current Daily Mail front page has stories about a Doctor misdiagnosing cancer; a Teacher killing herself after a naked picture was posted on facebook; Cameron taunting Brown over Darling etc
Not one good news story in there at all.
No mention of people being happy and talking to each other civilly.
Can you see why you think that Muslims are bad? Could it possibly be your knowledge?