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bobjugs12 | 10:56 Thu 25th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Ladies and Gents.

Last night I went out on the lash. This morning I woke up in someone elses room (and in somene elses girlfriend).

I just want the world to know that I am still very drunk from last nights session, and am not looking forward to the hangover that will come soon. However, until then I'm gonna continue staring aimlesly into space whilst trying to stop myself falling asleep at my pc.

I love you all.


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Just something to add. The sick stomach part of the hangover has started. My kebab will b making a reappearance soon. :(
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No, the NAAFI
He was at the YMCA....were'nt you, sailor?.....they all look the same in the dark.....aarrgghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
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He still hasn't vibra... And his massive feet are playing havoc in my digestive tracks.
Morning, Ashley !
moring bobjugs, you had a good night then?
from what he can remember!
...and your weekend begins early.
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The night was good (i think).

I'm not Ashley, i'm more of JT style top-shagger!!
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There is something I feel I should share with you all. At this moment in time I feel like i'm dying. I want to vomit, sleep and die all at once.

yeah right

go find some lucozade, if you have a sympathetic boss ask for the afternoon off, eat as much choc as possible


you will feel better - hey i've only had three hours sleep and didn;t even have a good night to show for it :-(
Question Author
Ok I'll rephrase, I never drinking again till tomorrow.

I would never get time off for a hangover. I'm going to have to take a trip to the store cupboard later for a nap if this doesn't improve.

So why choccy?

I had less sleep than you though :)
no idea always makes me feel better though

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