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c00ky83 | 20:02 Sun 31st Jul 2005 | Music
7 Answers
Just seen Oasis on TOTP and once again they mimed.  Why oh why do they always mime on TV?  I saw them the other week and they're second to none live.


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I turned the sound down when I saw them - I couldn't care less if they mimed or were live - hate them all the same. 

i agree. thing is with oasis, i think their live stuff which is usually acoustic is often far better than thier non-live stuff, particularly the acoustic version of slide away and talk tonight, so i'm sorry this doesnt answer your question but i have my own question to pose you seeing as your an avid oasis fan.  I never learnt to tell the difference between Noel and Liam but was wondering first who does the regular vocals for thier album tracks but also, then is it the other brother who sings thier acoustic live stuff because i think i read somewhere that either Liam/Noel couldnt sing acoustic songs.  Anyway you shouldn't worry yourself about their miming on tv because they're a quality band and they don't mime at their concerts which is all that really matters, who cares about some wet, pop programme.  i know lots of people like to knock oasis because they're bland or whatever but those ppl are just being naive and i'm a massive radiohead fan and so they can't tell me that i don't appreciate profound music but oasis are a talented band and people who say otherwise haven't heard them properly or just simply don't know music.

Why was Liam not wi the band to-night?
Oasis are Brit Pop because they can sing and play instruments and why should they sing live on TOTP when every one they are appearing with mimes. They can really turn it on at live gigs and for fans a live gig is what counts.
Saying that I think the only member of Oasis with any talent is Noel G.
Bands often have to mime on TV shows as there isn't enough time in the scheduling to soundcheck everyone. This is the fault of the TV people, not the musicians. A lot of bands really don't like it, but it's a choice between miming or not getting the publicity
Oasis are has beens first album - great. second album good. the rest = diabolical. Noel's quite a good song writer, the rst are chavs. The stuff they release nowadats wouldn't turn heads in my local pub. There are so many other bands that write absolute quality but get no recognition. It makes me sad.

i agree that oasis arent as good as they were at the beginning but to be fair,noel would admit that himself.their stuff is still very good though hence the fact that they can still sell out huge venues.if they were 'has-beens' this wouldnt be possible.

they are just another band in a long line of bands that trot out safe but catchy songs.

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