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warts my daughter has been given some stuff to paint on by the doctors

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zzxxee | 14:04 Sun 28th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
but a friend of mine says duct tape works has anyone tried this and does it work?


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arrghhhhhhhhh ment to post this inbody and soul sorry
If that's the case why didn't the doctor give her duct tape?
Duct tape? only because it's sticky and might pull the wart off - yuck! You can get little plasters in Boots for warts and verrucas, sycilic acid I think. If your doc has prescribed stuff then I'd try that before trying anything else!
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cos its not a conventional way to practice medicine i suppose
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apparently its suppose to be very effective googled a it and its suppose to work i just wondered if anyone has actually tried it??
my girlie had some warts on her fingers, and one in her nose (ewwww!). they were frozen with a spray at the doctor's surgery, and dropped off.

she was very pleased.
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tried wartner nothing worked got some stuff to paint on so we will see what happenes
Duct tape is suggested because it stops the air getting to the wart which it needs to thrive. You can also use clear nail varnish. It just closes off the oxygen supply. Problem with tape is usually warts are fairly small so its difficult to cover them completely,
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this stuff that she has been using for a week has made it go a horrible brown colour will obviously continue on docs advice and keep options open if nothing else works

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warts my daughter has been given some stuff to paint on by the doctors

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