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If I had stayed married the 1st time, today would have been my 42nd Anniversary

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Bobbisox | 10:02 Tue 02nd Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Even the train Robbers only got 30yrs !
so I would like personally say Ta to my ex for the
(which I won)
and for sending me to a much happier place
Thank you !

Bobbi ♥


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lol....only got 30 years...!!

Was hubby No1 a knob then?
how do you win a divorce?
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of the worst kind ummm
he didn't contest the allegations of cruelty against him
with you! well happy un - anniversary
Like my Ex then Bobbi.
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seems to be a lot of them around ummm
cheers fluffy,
Sounds although you were well shot of him.
Glad you have found happiness now.
Take care Bobbi x
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arrh thnk you DG, I have the perfect person in my life now, sounds ott a bit but he is !
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<thank> you
I'm still waiting for Mr Right for me to get married the first time.
Glad you got rid of Mr Nasty though bobbi. also happy for you in your contentment now.
How long have you been married this time bobbi.
Hi Bobbi ! Nice to know you are now happy and contented with your life.
On 18th of this Month I will have been Divorced 22 Years, but have never re-married.
Met many other Ladies during this time....'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly'.
I'm forever the Optomist and one day, who knows !! lol
So is this place divorcee-web then?
I'm not divorced.....

That could be because I never got married :-)
I think we should have Bobbisox and craft1948 on here as agony Aunts and have a special section for our grievances !! ;-)
a special section for grievances....... just how much time do you think we all have lol

nonjugs - never married, never divorced ;-)
nonjugs lol - what a typo!
If I had stayed married - today would have been my 52nd Anniversary! Divorced that alcoholic and remarried.Lovely husband - 30 years of happiness before he died in 2003
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21 yrs this time cas, and it seems like yesterday..
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arhh maggie March 2 hasn't been the best day for me and and you eh?
but we did our apprenticeship and came out as happy bunnies
Bobbi ♥

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If I had stayed married the 1st time, today would have been my 42nd Anniversary

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