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How can Tortilla Chips

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Booldawg | 13:25 Tue 02nd Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Be take seriously as a dipping medium? They keep snapping....


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And they taste crap...
pringles are worse, even with the scoopy curve to them .
You're obviously dipping them too deep, and bending too much as you scoop.
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Basically i'm being too greedy!
Basically :-)
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Its ok, I've got round it; double up on the doritos. The combined strenght is more 'load bearing'
gannet !
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''double up on the doritos''

Definitely the way to go... along with the 'shallow dip'...
I have a phobia of dips for tortilla chips
The fear of snapping... or the fear of 'dip drop' from pot to mouth?
the whole "mixing crisps with gunky crap" type of phobia
what's the dip - this too can have a bearing
Guacamole is the worst for chip breakage... to dense...
Doritos are the superior chip for making nachos from, I've done it with inferior chips and it doesn't work as well.

For a really sturdy crisp you need to go with kettle chips but I'm not a fan of these.
kettle chips are divine but plain phileas fogg tortilla's with taramaslata or hummus is the way to go
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It was guacomole..and chilli.

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How can Tortilla Chips

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