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The Justice system is a joke

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gerry | 21:05 Thu 07th Jul 2005 | News
23 Answers

There was an incident a while back about 2 woman that got into an arguement over a parking space.1 of the woman grabbed the other 1 by the hair & kicked her 3 times in the head.The woman that had been attacked died later in hospital.

The Court Case came to an end  yesterday & the accused escaped a jail sentance.This woman killed another woman & escapes jail.What's the world coming to?.I've heard of people being sent to jail for lesser things.

I feel sorry for the dead womans husband.He was totaly devestated by the news yesterday.



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The Hon Lady Dorrian
Leeona J. Dorrian, Q.C. was appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court in 2005, having served as a temporary Judge since 2002. She is a graduate of the University of Aberdeen (LLB). She was admitted to the Faculty of Advocates in 1981 and was Standing Junior Counsel to the Health and Safety Executive and Commission between 1987 and 1994.

Sadly, this newly appointed judge, who in all probability is superbly qualified in her chosen profession, appears to show a lack of understanding of the community's need for justice to be seen to be done.  "Out of character" is a poor excuse. 

Having read the reports I am at a loss to explain this one - normally one can see an underpinning principle which must be maintained over and above the incident in question, or some technicality unknown to the lay person. In this case it appears that justice was not served at all and the judge in question should take a long hard look at herself regarding her professional conduct.
For latest news click here.  
Ongoing situation.     

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The Justice system is a joke

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