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can't stand unpunctuality and people who let you down...grrrr

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Bobbisox | 15:40 Wed 03rd Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
This is a major hate of mine, They ring you and say 'Can I call in to see you'?
Ok, I say, then the time passes , a text appears, sorry can't make it, why the hell ring in the first place???

end of rant!
Bobbi ♥


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i hate people who are late and i hate being late
I'm here Bobbi, on the dot. I won't let you down. lol
Enjoy your trip to Scarborough this weekend. If you see a Blonde Lady with a white dog getting out of a smart Car it will be craft heading for the joke shop !
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I'll look out for her red, you make her sound like Zsa Zsa
I agree fluffs
Punctuality is the art of waiting for those who are unpunctual to turn up.
Hope your Bus is punctual this weekend Bobbi, otherwise you will give the Driver the EasyJet treatment ! ;-D
I didn't mean it bobbi - I was on my way and I was abducted by aliens ! But I'm back now - tomorrow ? Now what are these strange needle marks ?
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peri you always make me smile and Red is a true gent
Punctuality is the art of making sure you're never later than the boss.
McMouse, i'd disagree. Punctuality is the art form of having a believable excuse for when you're not earlier than the boss
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arh but I am retired but still always punctual McMouse
i can't stand it when people actually turn up and even worse if they say that they will, For Funks Sake what's all that about?
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are you a wee hermit in a cave in the Hebrides then
no.....don't be stupit ;)
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stupit, me...nevaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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me too helen, but to ring up and say Can I ? then she doesn't ...
made me bloody annoyed
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can't stand unpunctuality and people who let you down...grrrr

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