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why is it......

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redcrx | 08:53 Thu 04th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
that you can be in pain enough to make an appt at GP. in pain in run up to appt, even in waiting room, then when you see the doctor the pain disappears, only to return once you leave the surgery :(


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It's called sods
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it certainly is, ummm!
HA HA thats soooooo true pmsl
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blinking annoying, i hate going to the doctors as best of times,so had got myself all wound up for nothing lol
It has the same cause as trying to show a mechanic an intermittent fault with your car.
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ah you are so right, panic!
And you stand there like an idiot saying "honest, it does it all the time" lol
I hate going to the doctors and go as a last resort (even though I cheerfully give advice on here to others to go to their doctor).

What's worse is that my doctor is gorgeous and really nice as well, so when I get in there I feel much better and come out smiling and feeling quite well!

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