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Are we being covertly brainwashed with religion.

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modeller | 14:44 Thu 11th Feb 2010 | Society & Culture
12 Answers
The C of E consistantly complain that not enough religion is broadcast by the media but in fact it is far greater than you think many programmes introduce religion by the backdoor. If you listen to the Archers hardly a episode goes by without church activities being mentioned even Midsommer Murders have their church fetes and choir practices and clerics are again and again involved in Soaps and 'Who done its' . When you consider only 7% of Anglicans profess to regularly attend a place of worship and the true figure is actually lower the media is not representing reality. Are we being brainwashed by this backdoor drip, drip of religion.?


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A lot of kids are brainwashed and indoctrinated into certain religions from the moment they are born, it doesn't require any religious drips.
I know several religious drips...............
aren't they all?
Yes, but we always have been. But now the resistance is gaining momentum and people are summoning the courage to complain about it, knowing that they won't be tortured by the Inquisition, burnt as heretics or shunned by society.
well, are you brainwashed? If you aren't then the answer is 'no.
Lol this clever covert brainwashing plan ain't really working though is it? How many years has songs on praise been on? there was a time, back in the day, when YV was switched off at 6pm on a sunday and only switched back on again for Sunday Night At the London Paladium, the BBC must be the wet blanket of brainwashing, they've had loads pf practise but nooone is taking any notice.
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I'd say the UK has been covertly brainwashed against religion since the 1950s.
Hey there Modeller, they should visit AB... lots of religion going on on here. :-)
Religion isn't really brain washing, To be washed means having something in the first place. Religion is indoctrination from birth ensuring that it is readily absorbed and forms the philosophical framework in the childs philosophy.

When I was a boy, my parents showed me religion but also taught that issues could be dealt with by first identifying the underlying principles. Understand the principles and any problem is solveable. I also gathered that all principles need to be part of a coherant structure of knowledge that did not lead to contradictory conclusions when approaching an issue from different perspectives.

I was not very old when I found that he teachings at Sunday School defied assimilation into a broader comprehensible framework of life. I now know this is because the fundamental princliple of the churches' philosphies are intended to be wholly based on books from some of the earliest human efforts at expressing the concept of morality in writing.

The concept of religion is profoundly contrary to my core philosophy. I can defend my core beliefs but I am more than willing to adjust them if necessary in an endless search for palpable truth. Religion offers only that their beliefs are the Word of God and are hence inalienable and beyond any criticism or analysis. It is plainly rubbish.

The incongruencies are simply ignored or used to support multiple incompatable interpretations of the "truth". I find religious practices abhorrent and can demonstrate why because I was taught to base my beliefs coherent princlples. The principles of religion can be objectively described as manifestations of socially acquired psychoses.
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Thanks everyone it was a good discussion.
Religions are old-fashioned clubs of oppression. You can join any club you want to- a Golf club, an-age pensioner's club. Religion is just ideology, depending on which country you live in. In centuries gone by people were brainwashed into religion and faith to keep them fearful of Government or their Kings and Queens. I feel sorry for the majority of this World who believe in God, prophets , because that is the old-fashioned mainstream thinking.

Science is a better explanation to everything. We live in a computer-driven world of technology, and we are trans-human cyborgs (created by genetic scientist billions of years ago). Humans exist in a simulated world, not like 'The Matrix' movie, but we exist on a world specifically created to enslave our minds and bodies. We are effectively slaves, and you have to let go of belief in god, prophets and religion to enter the real world- and accept that we have been created by scientists, and planet earth is their experiment.

Religion,God and the prophets Jesus and Muhammed are all fake, designed to put you in a stupor, in a state of stupidity and fear, so that you 'fear God' and work hard to pay taxes. It is the way Governments like us to be- dumbed down, believing and fearing myths and 'godly powers'. Wake up and forget religion- it will only lead you into stupidity for your whole life, and you really have better things tot do with your lives on this planet.

Remember,Planet Earth was designed by scientists, humans by genetic manipulation, and now we breed and live this world, created by the science as an experiment. The Experiment... And so the Experiment continues. Media URL:
Description: Website 'Resisting The New World Order'...

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