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uninstalling new AOL

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rosamundjohn | 19:05 Sat 06th Mar 2010 | Technology
10 Answers
I am am AOL user (as am daft )and the other day was invited to upgrade from 9.0 to 9.1. which I did. Since then I can access the same as before except for my college email which I click on and it won't open! I think I need to reinstall the old one but haven't got the disk.
Is there a guru out there who can give me some ideas?


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Sorry should be AOL Software then Restore.
19:24 Sat 06th Mar 2010
Did you uninstall your 9.0? If not, it will still be on your pc. I installed 9.1 but don't like it much so just choose 9.0.
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Hi.Thanks.No, I don't have it as was wiped off in a scan!
If you don't mind me much do you pay for AOL?
Hi ummmm. I pay £14.99 a month which is the cheapest they do.

rosamundjohn, I'm no expert but if you click on Start, All Programs, AOL, Quick Fix and then AOL Restore it comes up on mine that you can restore 9.0. Hope this helps.
Sorry should be AOL Software then Restore.
im on aol too,
soo, if i get a prompt to upgrade to the newer version, should i ignore it then?
jan, what wasnt you keen on with it, what was different?

(i hear so many people cursing aol, but ive been with them for years now, since i started on tinternet and that was some 12 or so years ago, and ive never had any problems, i like their software package and its very easy to use.
im just wondering what kind of problems others have had with them..?)
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I have tried this and there is nothing under Quick fix.
Hi looby. I've been with AOL for three and a half years and only had a couple of minor problems. Had to contact their technical people who were very helpful and resolved my problem straight away.

9.1 is ok but I have a lot of sites saved on my favourites which on 9.1 you have to load individually. It would take me ages. Saying that there is probably a way of transferring them all but I haven't worked it out yet. May have another look at it as I haven't uninstalled it yet. I would have a look at it and see if you like it, just don't uninstall 9.0 so you can go back to it if you want.
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It is relatively easy to use unless you upgrade!
ok, thanks jan. i think i will stick with what ive got for now.

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