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Michael Winners Dining Stars

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Dris | 22:39 Fri 05th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
My home town of Blairgowrie is on -just thought i'd share it with you :)

Not a clue who the hosts are tho lol


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I'm sure one of the women was a post-op ...
-- answer removed --
I didn't want to say ....

but do you own a pink blouse?
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We have just rofl @ the pink shirter.

I am very glad to say i only recognised one person -thank eff they were all English :)

See when he was in the kilt shop -well if you go about 100 yds along the road take a left go up the hill take a right and youre at mine -you are more than welcome anytime and i shall organise fishing privately for you (we call it poaching :))
How funny! My home town is Loughton, the other one on last nights episode. I didn't recognise the contestant either, but my neighbours daughter was the little blond 'Essex girl' interviewed outside Toni and Guy.......pmsl

Lisa x
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O thats well weird Lisa !!
Its funny seeing your town on the telly even funnier as its just a small town and no-one mentioned that the TV crews were there or i'd have been the one giving Winner 'rabbits ears' lol What an utter ponce he was !!

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