Lie-in-king you appear to have forgotten your undertaking to encourage your fans to post their remarks on Chatterbank.
Surely they should see that a new post on a Q&P site on a busy Sunday morning is just using up precious space.
Not sure Lie-in, but could be East Midlands as I'm in Leicester. Don't quote me on that, I just have it on sometimes for background noise - plenty of old pop songs.
Pistols at dawn!! I told you toalisi was a t**t. Since when does chatterbank read as 'quizzes and puzzles' ? I Think he/she needs a visit to the optician don't you?
When you say you've been busy does that mean 'business' busy? How goes that?
Don't apologise for things you haven't done. Still hoping for an apology from you-know-who but I won't hold my breath.
Who mentioned anything about you being wonderful in the first place (even if you are) ? I think there are a few jealous muck-stirers on here. There are many of us who would be lost without your input.
Must go and get on with dinner now. Hope to speak to you again soon in CHATTERBANK. x