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Quizzes on Answerbank

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SimonBolivar | 11:53 Sun 07th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
My spouse regularly advertises fund-raising quizzes on this site & sells large numbers here. The latest one is currently advertised.

We have noticed that one or two ABers have asked for help with a certain clue & someone has tried to help by posting a possible answer. Unfortunately, it is incorrect and we cannot see how the poster has worked it out from the clue given. Since then, all sheets returned have given this incorrect answer so perhaps quizzers are following a wrong lead posted by someone innocently trying to help.


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Is this a question or simply a plea for AB posters to stop offering answers?
If youtell us here what the quiz question was and the 'incorrect' answer we might be able to explain the answer
Question Author
It is good that people do try to help by offering suggestions. I meant this as a warning for people not to copy answers willy nilly without checking first.

Obviously I cannot name the quiz here.
You could tell us what the Q and wrong A was, though, if the quiz has closed? I'm sure those of us who tried to help, would like to explain how we came to that solution!
Question Author
The quiz hasn't closed yet. That's why I daren't elaborate.

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