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Bobbisox | 05:40 Tue 09th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I have never had a problem having 8 hrs sleep, so why have I been awake since 3 bloody 30?
No, I don't have any problems milling around in my head....
just really wide eyed and bushy tailed...and I don't like it!
Bet theres no one here that I
Bobbi ♥


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Don't you believe it, Bobbi - there's never a quiet moment around here !!!
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first time I have been in here in the middle of the night so to
for me anyway !
There's always someone bobbi. xxx
well, waterboatman will be along any minute now, so I guess there's a choice - stay up and natter or take a warm drink back and try for a bit more sleep - is it very cold there, this morning ?? stupid question, I suppose - I doubt you've been outside, silly me.
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lol@seek x
Well I just went back to sleep before you got up or we could have had a chat. I have this problem at the moment that I sleep deeply for a few hours then I'm wide awake with beads going around my mind full blast - how do you calm down an active mind ?
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hi peri, that was my worst sleep ever, I think with going away at the weekend, we got home and I was cosily tired on Sunday night and slept very well but I felt really tired last night too so I went to bed early, fell asleep early...mistake !
now I feel
I would hate to be an insomniac..
Bobbi ♥
Morning all
Personally I read a book when I get to bed it helps to take your mind off things I usually wake with the book on the floor when I fell asleep

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