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Travel quiz

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jcaplen | 20:20 Mon 08th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Can anyone help with the last few, all related to travel.
3. A combustive seabird, nearly (6)
9. Nearly a question makes a mode of transport (4)
24. Semi precious convict(3,3)
30. Goodbye your majesty (6)
32. Wandering hard won right(2,4)

Thank you.


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3 (g)as tern ? ? ?
I had got petrol for number 3 not sure its correct ,can you help me with 41 Trapped Mere Rhetoric (3,3,6) Thanks in advance.
3 is petrel
9] dhow?
Question Author
Only just got home, so belated thanks to you all.

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