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errrm, ED saying as you are in here...where did my very clean thread disappear to please?

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Bobbisox | 11:27 Wed 10th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
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Which one?
Have you been censored already Bobbi ? LOL
Make a comeback quick whilst Ed is other thread ! :-))
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I have just posted a thread about a daft friend of mine, what she has just done to didn't even make first base ummm
nothing at all untoward in it at al !
Not sure what you're talking about Bobbi?

Spare Ed
Not alot of us do Ed, we just smile, think "awww its a shame innit?" and leave her to it.

(I'm joking Bobbs xx)
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I tyoed the same threas as the Try again one and it did not appear..
here...I'm not away with the fairies yet BOO...pmsl
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<typed and thread>

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errrm, ED saying as you are in here...where did my very clean thread disappear to please?

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