I notice that there are LCD TV Screens and also LCD Monitor Screens when I look at buying a new TV. What I want to know is, Is there a difference between the two please, or is the monitor only for PC`s and games? Excuse my ignorance in these matters.
A computer monitor has no TV tuner circuitry fitted and will only accept a computer graphics card's output signal. These days many TVs are equipped to connect to a computer in addition to accepting TV broadcast signals, as VHG says.
Beside the obvious as explained above, generally the Monitors have a much higher resolution than a same sized TVs.
Any LCD TV with less than HD 1080 is gonna give you an hazy picture on a computer.
Bye the bye, why I asked, is E-Buyer have an monitor/combi 19" for sale price @ £129.00 and I`m wanting a LCD TV for my bedroom. What do you think, is it ok to buy?