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Ok... thursday survey...

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NoMercy | 11:55 Thu 11th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
1. Monochrome or bright colours?

2. Night in watching soaps, or night out on the razz?

3. Brand or economy?

4. Holly Willoughby or Cat Deeley?

5. Steve Jones or Dermot O'Leary?

6. Sharon Osbourne or Dannii Minogue?

7. Pot of Ceylon or Starbucks Latte?

8. Tattoo or no tattoo?

9. Rocky Road or Lemon muffin?

10. Brisk walk or gym?


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Enlihgten me then, oh mighty fluff
you don't deserve to know
1. Monochrome or bright colours? - Whatever look nice

2. Night in watching soaps, or night out on the razz? - don’t know

3. Brand or economy? - Whichever look nice

4. Holly Willoughby or Cat Deeley? – Cat Deeley

5. Steve Jones or Dermot O'Leary? - Neither

6. Sharon Osbourne or Dannii Minogue? - Neither

7. Pot of Ceylon or Starbucks Latte? – Neither, if forced then Ceylon

8. Tattoo or no tattoo? – NO tattoo

9. Rocky Road or Lemon muffin? - Rocky Road what? – Probably neither

10. Brisk walk or gym? – Brisk Walk

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