I wish Newcastle-under-Lyme had "street view". Years ago, when I was a kid, we moved from there to Ontario, and I have never been back. I'd love to see how much it has changed and If I could recognize some of the places I used to roam around
my house used to be in it and now it's not. Presumably someone local complained (there are a few celebs round my way) and it was removed? In fact several places I've looked up recently have had their stret view removed.
Yes, and I haven't found any of me, but there is one of my car in the pub car park. What's more the registration is still clear. The pics are very old tho - I could tell by the pub notice board, and they are over a year or so out of date.
Just looked at my street. The picture was taken in March 2009.
In the picture is the lady who lived in our close and died in May 2009.
She can be seen clearly walking to the end of the close.
Unless I have seen a ghost ...whooo
it's not necessarily updated pictures but new areas which haven't been displayed before e.g. the one i'm in was taken about 18 months ago but has only appeared this week
was going to apply for this house but had no pics after seeing it no wonder they didn't put a picture up lol looks like a place you wouldn't leave your car or even drive slowly in-case you staled and your wheels got pinched 82 Comrie Crescent Hillhouse Hamilton South Lanarkshire