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message for JJ from the Mopsy...

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Bobbisox | 11:52 Fri 12th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Errr is this correct Miss JJ, on MW this morning they were reviewing the papers and apparently joggers are the best errrm "sh@ggers"...LOL
Not only do they pound the pavements,, but????
I am starting to feel inferior to all JJs...he-he, can you please confirm or deny such boldness please ?
Bobbi ♥


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Wouldn't surprise me one little bit Bobbi, she is forever popping over to Switzerland for a bit of 'How's your Father' ! lol
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she's being very coy bout this
She says she goes over to Ski on the piste. I think her Swiss lover is called Piste and she practises her manoevres on him ! :-D
Take a look at swiss army wife in jokes !!
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"Swiss Army Wife"

a woman that can iron with one foot, cook a meal with her right hand, vacuum with her other foot and masturbate you with her left hand
Copyright McMouse ! lol

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message for JJ from the Mopsy...

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