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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 07:07 Mon 15th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
The weekend has evaporated again. But the skyline is aglow with the sun about to peep over the hill to see if it's safe to come out. It's still a tad nippy in the breeze, but all will be well at the end of the week.
Have a happy day everyone.


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uite right too peri! If the day is not a blur, you ain't done it right! ¦-}
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Morning poppet. Dodgy females. I've got enough excitement thanks!
morning, wbm and all - lots of excitement on here this morning I see - that's what a sunny start to the day will do for you.

btw, hippy - don't fret, no-one gets on with their 15yr old daughters, it's a known fact
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Morning seeks. Re 15 year old daughters, it's in the job description, stroppy is built into them!
Morning WBM and all. Nice here in Leics. Might go into town. Have a nice safe day all.
I have a 32 year old daughter and she can still be stroppy lol.
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Morning wendi. As I said, it's built in!
That's why girls in their teens are better at sports than boys ...

We have an "edgy" attitude.
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You could have a point there JJgull. Certainly attitude anyway! ¦-)
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Gotta go now folks! Mrs. W requires my attention . . . Work, that is!
See you all tomorrow. xxxxx
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I always got the feeling that while we were madly charging each other down on the Lacrosse pitch, or fighting to make the Netball team, in boys schools they were all too busy playing with their floppy hair, and trying to be "cool" ... ha ha, fat chance at that age.

A bit later on, boys try to make out that they were all quite sporty at school.
Morning wbm,hope you are well,this fine day.
Have a great day everyone !
Bye for now dg
Good Morning All!

I hope you are all well. It is a lovely day here today - nice and crisp.

All the best,

Spare Ed
morning all.. I'm late!

have booked a couple of days off work with good intentions of spring cleaning. hmmmm!
morning all
Morning wbm and all!

Indeed the sun is shining brightly here in London and it looks lovely.

Have a nice day,

Funny X

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Good morning early birds!

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