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I love you Philp Morris.

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Bbbananas | 10:23 Wed 17th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
or Shutter Island.
They are my cinema choices for this week. Anyone seen either?


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No sorry salla - is that any help to you ?
Saw Shutter Island at the weekend... excellent.
Shutter Island is getting good reviews salla. Would like to see it myself as it has a strong cast and an interesting script.
is shutter island scary?
Seems like a spooky kind of Film mccfluff. Sounds good though
Morning Salla x

Hope you're getting fitter and smuttier by the minute, sweetheart xx

Seen Shutter Island, which is brilliant, and quite scary, and the final 45 mins or so, is suspense at it's best. A little bit long at 2hours 20 mins, but as the film is well paced..... what a film.

I Love You Philip Morris.... cant comment on, but i think it's the one where JIm Carrey says he loves Ewan McGregor.....not the bears cup of rosey give i'll give it a miss. If you like comedies, you may like it though. Is'nt it based on a true story?

See ya honey xxx
I want to see clash of the titans
Could be Clash of the Titans for you tonight pericat if you are out on the Razzle ! lol
Question Author
Shutter Island it is then.
Mind you, my BF doesn't like scary films so may well sit with his hands over his eyes.... so I can laugh at him if I fancy a lighthearted moment.

thanks guys.
Oh me a titan - do they have red hair ? Lol
LOL salla ! I can just imagine your BF hiding behind seat in the Cinema ! Ha Ha
Morning to all on here, guys,.... especially to our wonderful A'bers from across the pond and all over the world too.

Happy St Patricks day to you all.........i'm doing a function tonight......god help me! polishing up my Brendan Shine and The Dubliners xxxx
Hello yogi ! Sounds like a good night ahead tonight. It will be fun !!
Shutter Island isn't scary, sinister and a bit creepy but not scary.
Clash Of The Titans will be showing in 3D, so if you can, get to see it in that format, as will be absolutely outstanding, i would imagine. Opens real soon.
Hi China,

Is'nt sinister and creepy = a bit scary then?........I found Paranormal Activity hilarious, so i would'nt call that was pants.

Morning and thanks redman....I always enjoy the St Patrick Day parties.....good quality folk, and are so friendly and welcoming too....looking forward to it.....only problem is you HAVE to play an off-the-wall set or you will go down like a lead balloon.
Prepping now and out soon for some chores.

Have a great day yourself. :0)
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bambi is sinister full stop vibes, i take your point about the bf though

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