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ummmm | 15:46 Wed 17th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Why can't they just come out with what they want instead of phoning me and hinting. Three calls I've had today from Gingers cousin asking about our plans tonight and then going on about not having money. I think the idiot is waiting for me to offer him his dreams.

What a pleb..!!


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He probably wants you to cook him dinner!!
Family eh. Sponging parasites.

Maybe he just wants sex?
Tell him you're staying in 'cos you're skint....and having beans on toast for dinner.
good christ're rampant today.......
Hormones. I'm at that age.....
Question Author no no no no...that is a horrible thought.

Barmaid....He eats rustler burgers. I wouldn't waste my food on him....

Because I didn't offer him any I'm waiting for the call where he asks me to ask Martin to lend him some. Then I'll have to phone him back and tell him 'Martin said fcuk off'

He owes him over £800...cheeky fcuker...
tell him to bu&&er off
Send him to Salla as a slave till he works off his debt
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He won't pay it back......

I quite like him....everyone else hates him
i don;t know who i'd feel more sorry for salla or ginge's cousin
He could do my ironing, scoop up the cat cr@p from my lawn and clean my bathrooms - I hate doing bathrooms.
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He use to live here...he wasn't too bad at cleaning up.

He eats his own toenails though....and hacks a lot....!!
He sounds charming, and you say people don't like him? Really?
It's not Pete is it..............? :o) Those would go well will his other horrible habits.........:o(
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pmsl.....He probably eats his scabs as well....but I haven't seen him do it at the bar. Jeez....Pete use to do it while we were talking to him...yuk yuk yuk..
I feel bilious. Don't send him to me ummmm thanks.
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I wouldn't do that to you Salla.....

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